has created an interesting greeting card software to personalize your own greeting cards. Greeting Card Zoom 4.2 allows you to create wonderful greeting cards in a very easy and simple way. Now, you can create the perfect card you always dreamed about! The program features lots of readymade cards, verse and greetings. You can use your own images and photos or, if you prefer, you can choose among the large quantity of images for all occasions included in the program. Thanks to its advanced-tools-for art-work pack you can create lovely designs! Give free rein to your imagination! Possibilities are endless! You can either save your card as a jpg, gif or pdf file and send it by email, or you can choose to print it as half-fold or quarter fold since the program supports all standard greeting card papers. Greeting Card Zoom 4.2 has been created to simplify your life when you need to send a beautiful greeting card without spending hours and hours looking for one you like. With Greeting Card Zoom 4.2 create the perfect card with the best art-work features ever!
Design good-looking greeting cards and print on Windows compatible printers.